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WHAT’S BUGGING YOU? Part 5/7 - The Action Plan

In Part 4 - Anti-parasitics and Our Health, attention was given to what anti-parasitics are, how they can address a number of symptoms, and subsequently touched on how they have the potential to improve our health. In this section, a wide variety of different therapies will be highlighted along with ways they can be applied in an effort to mitigate and eliminate parasites and/or improve our overall well-being. If you’re wondering what you can expect from implementing any of them, take a look at Part 6 of What’s Bugging You?, aptly titled, “What to Expect”.


Before we get into the nitty gritty, it probably goes without saying (but I’ll mention just in case), please:

  1. Make sure detoxification pathways are clear and well supported when undertaking any type of protocol that will stimulate the body to rid itself of toxins (which may/may not include parasites and their by-products).

  2. Check for drug interactions and test for sensitivities. Just because something says “natural” doesn’t mean that it won’t cause a reaction, even when pharmaceuticals aren’t involved. To that end, pharmaceuticals can also contain excipients that alone could cause repercussions so do your homework and pay attention to your body’s unique cues. Obviously, if you have a known issue with something, don’t use it just because someone else said it’s good for what ails you. Find something else or omit it.

  3. Take care of your body and the terrain so you are resilient against invaders and can reduce vulnerability to potentially preventable conditions.

  4. Consult your trusted health care professional and realize that none of what I am sharing is intended to be interpreted as medical advice.

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There are many ways to ward off or eliminate parasites or apply measures that have anti-parasitic components to support and restore health.  My approach is multi-faceted.

As touched on in “What’s Bugging You Part 4 - Anti-Parasitics and Our Health", to exclusively address a parasite infestation using a singular modality such as “naturally” (with diet and supplements alone) might not be enough and could take a long time. Conversely, relying solely on pharmaceuticals may strike the source but leave the battlefield riddled with vulnerabilities. Either extreme can be impractical, short-sighted, and almost defeats the purpose of actualizing vitality, especially when time is critical. 

There is nothing wrong with thoughtfully accelerating the healing process by involving proven, safe, and effective pharmaceuticals, especially where known disease (such as a degenerative disorder or cancer) is present.  In fact, in most of these instances, there are only downsides to prolonging resolution. Instead, when carefully crafted, a combined effort has been proven to be highly effective.

It is also important that a methodic, recurrent strategy is applied. Parasites have life-cycles and defense mechanisms that require repeated action until the freeloader is completely deactivated - after all, they are fighting for survival, too.  For instance, one pass may kill the mother but it will not address egg sacs. With the mother gone, the egg sacs will go on to hatch and the infestation starts again, often compounding.  In order to rid the body of the mother and the eggs, timing the assault and deploying a decisive, sustained approach is critical. So, be leery of any “one-and-done” promises. A truly viable program is one that is appropriately dosed and repeated on a schedule until symptoms abate and you are feeling reliably healthy. This can sometimes take many months. Persistence, consistency, and patience are key. To keep parasites at bay, follow-up protocols based on your exposure rate, health status, and goals (e.g. 1x/month, quarterly, or 2x/year) are prudent.

Considering the lunar schedule can also be a valuable tactic - especially if it is noted that symptoms tend to flare at these key times of the month. The observation that people get a little out of sorts following the moon phases isn’t just an old wives tale.

In addition to employing medication and specific protocols as circumstances dictate and which come with their own, pre-designed blueprint, the below outlines practical steps that you can apply to create an environment that is inhospitable to parasites, enhancing efforts to reduce, or even eliminate them altogether. Remember, one does not have to have a known parasite infestation in order to benefit from anti-parasitics (in any form) as these tools can also be used in anti-viral, gut building, immune-boosting applications.


Whether following a prescribed protocol, in “maintenance-mode”, working to discourage a future infestation, or you’re simply trying to improve your overall health, consider adding any or a combination from the below lists to your regular routine and:

  1. Understand that, though comprehensive, none these lists are not exhaustive. For insight into how to research topics further, see “What’s Bugging You Part 7 - Bonus Material: Important Information, References, Resources and Questions”.

  2. Take time to learn the best way to prepare and serve foods, the optimal time to take supplements, and how best to incorporate lifestyle changes.

  3. Get to know interactions and best course of treatment, especially where pharmaceuticals are concerned.

  4. Variety and moderation are key as each modality targets some of the same but also different conditions (there is overlap but uniqueness) so change things up and, when the opportunity is right, go for foods and herbs before supplements

  5. Always purchase ingredients from reputable vendors, using organic, non-GMO, locally sourced, natural, fresh, quality, least processed ingredients, grass-fed meats, and wild caught game, fish, and seafood, whenever you are able.

  6. Try to include a binder (such as activated charcoal), a slougher (such as cascara sagrada or a daily carrot salad), a replenisher (such as saccharomyces boulardii or raw dairy yogurt) during and/or after your protocol but don’t over do them. With the exception of something like a carrot salad, their application should be temporary.

  7. Know there isn’t any way to fully know if or guarantee that we’ll ever be 100% pathogen free and we can’t entirely avoid them. What we’re seeking is balance, fostering a robust constitution, and encouraging resiliency. This will create the best circumstances for enjoying vibrant health.

  8. For guidance on what methods are best for your unique you, contact your favorite FNTP (that’s me!).


This is not a menu or meal plan. These are foods that should be incorporated regularly, reduced, or avoided all of which will support your immune system and mitigate parasites.


  • Amla berries

  • Anise

  • Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), raw

  • Apples, including the seeds

  • Artichokes

  • Asparagus

  • Bee Pollen

  • Beetroot

  • Beets

  • Blackberries

  • Blueberries

  • Bone broths

  • Broccoli

  • Burdock Root

  • Cacao

  • Capers 

  • Caraway

  • Carrots (raw)

  • Celery

  • Cherries, especially Acerola variety

  • Chicory root

  • Cinnamon

  • Citrus (with the seeds and peels): Lemons, Limes, and Grapefruits

  • Cloves

  • Coconut (oil, flesh, water, aminos)

  • Coriander

  • Cranberries

  • Cucumbers (including the seeds)

  • Cumin

  • Daikon Radish

  • Dandelion greens

  • Dates

  • Eggs, pasture raised

  • Fennel (plant and seeds)

  • Fenugreek

  • Fresh Figs

  • Fresh tomatoes with seeds

  • Garlic, especially raw

  • Ginger

  • Grapefruit Seed Oil

  • Green Tea

  • Guava

  • Honey, honey and more honey - raw, Manuka or local

  • Horseradish

  • Jerusalem Artichoke

  • Jicama Root

  • Kakadu Plum

  • Kale

  • Kiwi

  • Leafy Greens (cooked) e.g., Dandelion, Beet Greens, Kale, Swiss Chard

  • Leeks

  • Meats & Game (grass-fed, pasture raised, organic)

  • Mint

  • Mushrooms, properly prepared (especially wild varieties)

  • Mustard, especially stone ground

  • Neem leaves

  • Offals (organ meats)

  • Onions, especially raw

  • Oregano

  • Papaya (flesh and seeds)

  • Peppers, especially hot

  • Pineapple (including the core)

  • Plantain leaf (not from plantains related to bananas)

  • Pomegranates

  • Poultry, pasture raised

  • Psyllium Husk

  • Pumpkin Seeds (and other Squash Seeds), properly prepared (see also this and this)

  • Radicchio

  • Raspberries

  • Raw carrots

  • Root vegetables

  • Salt

  • Saturated fats (e.g.: grass-fed butter, ghee, tallaw, lard)

  • Spices - Curry, Chili, Pepper (e.g.: cayenne, black, white)

  • Strawberries

  • Summer Squashes

  • Thyme

  • Turmeric (root and ground)

  • Wasabi

  • Wild Game

In moderation and as tolerated:

  • Barley

  • Alcohol

  • Cold-water Fish (e.g. Sardines)

  • Cruciferous Vegetables (cooked only - except in the case of carrots)

  • Fermented Foods - for example:

    • Sauerkraut

    • Grass-Fed Plain Yogurt

    • Water or (raw) Dairy Kefir

    • Kimchi

    • Kombucha

    • Beet Kvass

    • Pickles and Olives, etc.

    • Miso

  • Fish and seafood, wild-caught

  • Leafy Greens (cooked) such as Dandelion, Beet Greens, Kale, Swiss Chard

  • Oats

  • Raw Dairy, well sourced

  • Sourdough bread (authentic only)

  • Sugar (contrary to mainstream belief)

  • Sunflower seeds, properly prepared


  • All non-fermented, non-organic soy: e.g.: Natto, Miso, sauces, or Tempeh

  • Artificial sweeteners

  • Conventional Dairy

  • Fried Foods

  • Gluten

  • Industrial Pork (grain-free, pasture raised, regenerative farming practices but limit intake, either way)

  • Legumes - even if properly prepared

  • Milk alternatives that contain carrageenan and other additives/fillers

  • Nuts - even if properly prepared

  • Processed and Convenience foods (which includes ones that claim to be “healthy” and many gluten free products)

  • PUFAS e.g.: Seed and Fish oils, whole seeds, nuts, and "butters" made from them

  • Raw vegetables

  • Salad bars

  • Simple and refined carbohydrates

  • Sushi & Sashimi   

    Notice I’m not one to say “never” very often when it comes to foods. 
    It can be near impossible to exclude certain ingredients entirely - especially when traveling or as a dinner guest.

& H E R B S

Make yourself aware of any potential interactions and always purchase vitamins, herbs, and supplements from a reputable source. Just because a retailer has the best price doesn’t mean they have the best practices or their supply is fresh and hasn’t been compromised. For vetted resources I have come to trust, visit my Retail Therapy page, check out this helpful list of natural anti-parasitics and other suggested products, or contact your favorite FNTP (that’s me!) for guidance.

Spend some time perusing recipes that call for any of these ingredients such as this one. It’s an adventurous and delicious way to support health!


With the exception of an obvious oil (e.g., coconut oil), the below cited are assumed in the form of an Essential Oil (EO). Some EO's can be taken internally, others are for topical use only and may require a carrier oil. Be sure to educate yourself before using to avoid injury.


Incorporating as many of these positive choices will not only help keep parasites at bay, they also stand to dramatically improve your overall health. The best thing about it is there is little to no investment, only thoughtful decisions and inexpensive (often times free!) additions to your routine.

  • Bring serotonin down (it’s not all it’s cracked up to be so don’t fall for the current narrative that high serotonin is where it’s at)

  • Clean House Regularly

    • Routinely change and wash linens (sheets, towels, etc.)

    • Keep surfaces clean, especially in bathrooms and kitchens

    • Wash fruits and vegetables

    • Thoroughly cooking foods

  • Don’t rule out the therapeutic use of tobacco (NOT commercial cigarettes)

  • Exercise

  • Enemas (e.g., coffee), colonics

  • Focus on the 12 Pillars of Optimal Health

  • Get quality sleep

  • Go grounding - only in areas not noticeably soiled with animal waste or frequented by pets; wash your feet after

  • Hit the Sauna (e.g: infrared, steam)

  • Keep your digestion running smoothly. Malabsorption and vitamin deficiencies can exist in the presence of parasites – even when consuming a stellar diet and/or supplements. They will steal the nutrients, can cause leaky gut (which affects absorption), and throw the body out of balance. These three articles will get you started:

  • Light therapy – red light, sunlight, light box

  • Lower stress and Unplug

  • Maintain a daytime body temperature of 98.6

  • Oil Pulling

  • Pay attention to Personal Hygiene

    • Thorough hand washing (including under fingernails), especially after working in the garden, interacting with pets, changing diapers, or bathrooming

    • Wear pajamas or loose fitting underwear to bed, washing and changing regularly

    • Keep pets out of your bed

    • Don’t wear the same underwear and socks every day

    • Shower daily and rinse off after bathing in a tub

    • Shower after swimming (even if it’s a chlorinated pool)

  • Practice Mindful Eating

  • Ramp up your immune system

  • Support Melatonin production naturally with tools like blue blockers

  • Take a Detox Bath

    • Start by maintaining healthy hydration levels before, during, and after (make bath-time special with a favorite beverage!)

    • Personalize the below recipes by omitting ingredients, adjusting measurements, and/or adding favorite essential oils (see above for suggestions) or other ingredients such as mustard powder, seaweed, and/or raw apple cider vinegar

      • 1 cup food grade hydrogen peroxide, essential oil(s) or 1-2 Tablespoons dried ginger or 1 chunk of fresh ginger, sliced

      • 1 cup baking soda, 1 cup Epsom Salt, ½ cup Bentonite Clay, 1 cup borax

      • 1 cup goats milk powder or coconut milk, essential oil(s), 1/2 cup baking soda

      • 1/4 cup diatomaceous earth, 1 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup epsom salt or sea salt, essential oil(s)

      • 1 cup sea salt, 1 cup baking soda, 1 cup borax, essential oils

    • About 10 drops total of essential oil(s) (singular or a blend) is a good starting place, if using

    • All measurements are averages and should be adjusted to water volume and preference; these are calibrated to an average size tub (approx. 80 gallons)

    • Use hottest water to prepare to best dissolve and steep ingredients

    • Mix thoroughly as the tub fills to insure proper displacement of ingredients

    • Immerse yourself when it is the warmest temperature tolerable without burning your skin

    • Try to soak at least 20 minutes

    • Always rinse off with fresh water after a bath

 P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S

Don’t write-off the use of pharmaceuticals until you have well researched them. The below listed (and others not mentioned) may have the ability to reduce symptoms, make lives more comfortable, and even completely heal. Always speak with your trusted health care professional and, should you have difficulty procuring whatever you decide with their guidance, you can always consider ordering for yourself.

Over The Counter (OTC) medications including:

Alternative Medicines & Supplements such as:

P R O T O C O L S 

I will not post a protocol of my own because I believe it’s best to find a health care provider you trust that will help you create a personalized approach based on your unique you as it’s never a one-size-fits-all solution. Do your research and thoughtfully select a path that speaks to your budget and needs. To help you get started, however, I am providing a few links (not in any particular order). Keep in mind, I am not endorsing, only highlighting. If you have any questions, you can always contact your favorite FNTP (good heavens, we know who that is by now, don’t we?).

And before you criticize that some of these offerings have no names, degrees, institutions, agencies, pharmacies, or corporations associated with them, ask yourself why? Irregardless of personal disclosure, these efforts, like mine, are given freely, without reservation, no strings attached. Most of us make little to no money off of what we’re doing, save for donations or any affiliate purchases.  Professionals, researchers, and credible “everyday” people, known or anonymous, are sharing everything we can (often including compelling personal accounts) in an effort to foster good health and at the risk of being shunned, publicly excoriated, doxed, blacklisted, or much, much, worse. Now compare others (the medical industry, pharmaceutical companies, main stream media, corporate entities, influencers, the government) who are supposedly in this fight to help us yet stand to be glorified and make millions off of their “contributions” to society.  See the difference?


To learn how parasites and the use of anti-parasitics can directly affect your health, read What’s Bugging You? Part 6 - What to Expect. To further your research, follow-up with the final piece, “What’s Bugging You Part 7 - Bonus Material: Important Information, References, Resources and Questions

Now make like a firefly and go have a “light” (and nutritious) snack!
Marie Stumphauzer, FNTP


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